Post Tagged with: "Baraka Books"

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Six for 2016

Six for 2016

J.C. Sutcliffe chooses six Quebec translations to watch for in 2016.

Review, Translation

21 Days

21 Days

21 Days in October is a true coming-of-age novel set against a politically charged backdrop in 1970s Montreal. And sometimes it takes a good story to remind us of where we’ve come from. Forty years wasn’t so long ago, after all.

Review, Translation

Running Freely

Running Freely

Anyone approaching Vincent Thibault’s Parkour and the Art du déplacement expecting a how-to guide filled with fitness drills is in for a surprise. The book could also be called “The Art of Living,” focusing as it does on how to apply the philosophy behind parkour to everyday life.
Photo credit: ©


Barcelo Noir

Barcelo Noir

François Barcelo is a difficult author to pigeonhole. Peter McCambridge takes a look at at his most recent work to examine his recipe for grisly deaths and belly laughs.
Photo credit: © Zélie photographe