Post Tagged with: "Alto"

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Six for 2016

Six for 2016

J.C. Sutcliffe chooses six Quebec translations to watch for in 2016.

Review, Translation

Grande plaine IV

Grande plaine IV

Think back to a road trip you’ve taken. Grande Plaine IV is a bit like that road trip: funny and sweet, clever and heartfelt. Young.

Review, Translation



La porte du ciel is a bright patchwork. We follow “two little girls under the Louisiana sun, one brown as tea, the other white as milk,” through childhood, adolescence, and the American Civil War.

Review, Translation

Of Rain and Rainbows

Of Rain and Rainbows

I read The Douglas Notebooks all at once. There was something so ephemeral, so whimsical, about this tale that it felt as though it might all disappear if I put the book down.