Post Tagged with: "L’instant même"

Comment, On Translation

A Matter of Attraction

A Matter of Attraction

Author, translator, scholar, and teacher Louis Jolicoeur discusses translation theory and practice and his book La sirène et le pendule.

Comment, Translation

Underdog Superhero

Underdog Superhero

Every year the thought of a new Blais keeps us afloat, our heads above water, promising us that, once we’ve finished our homework, we will be free, at last, to go out and play.


Troubled Waters

Troubled Waters

Deslauriers’ work often focuses on adolescence, that fragile, fumbling period when “we are tightrope walkers. Anything can tip us over.”


Red Mountain

Red Mountain

La montagne rouge blew me away the first time I saw it. And the second time. The writing is so raw and visceral, I almost prefer to read the words aloud to myself on the page than see the play in performance.